Virginia and Wendell Kingsolver Scholarship Fund
Fund History

The most recently established fund is the Virginia and Wendell Kingsolver Scholarship Fund. This fund was established in 2013 to honor the Kingsolvers, both of whom served as president of the society and had a particular interest in encouraging a love of nature in young people.
Fund Purpose
Funds are available to pay tuition for a young birder from Kentucky between the ages of 13 and 18 to attend an American Birding Association Young Birder Summer Camp. These camps are filled with opportunities for young birders to take their birding skills to the next level, meet others with similar interests, and explore careers in birding and ornithology. Camp details can be found on the American Birding Association website
Eligible Applicants
Students in Kentucky ages 13 through 18.
Application Due Date
Applications can be submitted year round; however, grants will be subject to availability at the camps which in some years have been filled to capacity.
What To Submit
A completed application form, along with the supplemental documentation listed in the instructions, should be submitted to the chair of the committee. The application form and submission instructions can be found in the application packet.
Reporting Requirements
A report on the camp experience should be submitted in person to a local bird club or at a KOS meeting; or in writing.